In short, web templates are bad for business. If asking for a personal or family website, go web template all the way and never look back. We deal with businesses and like I said, web templates are bad for business. Many new businesses and a select few established businesses simply either cannot afford completely custom website design or they cannot justify the price. Our templates afford them an opportunity to present an effective web presence at much lower costs. The second reason requires you to understand the nature of our web templates. Our web templates still require you to possess graphic design, slicing and web programming skills.
Web templates poorly represent your business.
If you're working from a template that has been resold to thousands of other businesses, you complete lack uniqueness and regardless of the number of times your web template has been resold, a web template will never set your business apart from your competition. Remember, the he designers of website templates are designing a product to sell to you. You don't need your website to be the most graphically designed website on the web.
Once again going back to the the idea of template designers designing them to sell to you and not your customers, they often jam pack their templates with tons of flash design elements. You can always tell when the logo design and placement was an afterthought which it is in a website template. - Favorite Web Template Provider is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy templates for websites in a variety of pricing formats and locations. The actual contract for sale is directly between the sellers and buyers.
New content is continually added to the archive, so there is always something new!
All graphics and templates provided on come with the right to use them in all types of projects. There are absolutely no additional fees beyond the price which you pay in our market.